The Ouroboros Express
The Ouroboros Express is a romance sim/visual novel.
You are a passenger on a mysterious train with equally curious fellow travelers; a mind flayer, a gecko-human hybrid, and a Sun goddess. Where are you headed?
In the scene below, Asha takes ownership of her identity, Ava, for the first time. She thanks Vivi for helping her come to this realization. She asks whether Vivi would like to take this last dance until the end as lovers. Vivi can either say yes, say no but stay friends, or ask her to wait before she makes a decision.
#LOCATION: lounge
show ava happy at right
show vivi neutral at left
vivithinking neutral “There she is. Radiant as always.”
vivithinking surprised blush “But damn! Today she {i}really{/i} is glowing! Like even more than normal…”
vivithinking neutral “I wonder what’s going on…”
vivi happy “Asha! Hi!”
ava happy “Vivi! Hello! What a delight to see you!”
vivi happy blush “Haha…I think “delight” is a bit strong, don’t you think?”
ava happy blush “Nonsense. You have always brought us joy, even when we were unable to see it at first…”
ava neutral “Listen. We shall make this short as time is of the essence. There is something we have to tell you.”
ava neutral blush “Something we should have told you long ago.”
vivi neutral blush “Uh, sure! Yeah! Go ahead.”
ava happy blush “Vivienne, our time together, our feelings, our heart…We feel a
ava happy “You have shown us that we are worthy of your time and your trust. You
have shown us kindness.”
ava happy “And you have given us the courage so that we…”
ava neutral “We...”
ava happy “No. No, so that {i}I{/i} can ask you this.”
vivithinking surprised “I! She can’t be…”
vivi surprised blush “Asha…Do you mean—?”
ava happy blush “From now on we are Asha no more. {i}I{/i} am Ava.”
ava happy blush “And I would like to dance with you, Vivienne, until you and I are no more.”
ava happy blush “Will you accept my love?”
# Accept Romance
vivi happy “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”
ava happy “Oh, my heart! I have never felt in my entire existence such…”
ava neutral “Such love!”
# JUMP TO: Romance/Avatar of Asha
# Reject Romance
“I can’t.”:
vivi surprised “Oh…Oh, God. Ava…”
vivi neutral “Thank you! And…and I’m so happy for you too!”
vivi sad “But I just don’t think I can do that. I’m sorry.”
ava sad blush “Ah. This is sad news. Would you still allow me to be your friend, regardless?
vivi happy “Of course! I would be honored to be your friend.”
vivi happy “Ava.”
# Note: Ava is locked as friend. Can no longer be chosen as romance partner.
# JUMP TO: Character Selector
# Delay Decision
“Could you give me a moment?”:
vivi surprised blush “Could you give me a moment? I just need to…clear my head for a sec.”
ava neutral blush “We have precious few, but for you? Anything.”
# JUMP TO: Character Selector
#A heartfelt interaction as you both hold each other in the face of the end. Darkness, and then a bright light. You hear the train conductor's sigh. "I'm a romantic fool.” A chance to begin again… together…
# LOCATION: observatory
show vivi neutral at right
show ava neutral at left
ava sad blush “Now, take my hand, Vivi.”
ava sad blush “Hold me close for our last dance.”
vivi neutral blush “Aren’t you afraid?”
ava happy blush “Not anymore.”
vivi surprised “Oh, Ava! Are you crying?”
ava happy blush “Yes, but with joy. Hold me close. Close your eyes. We will be in this moment forever.”
vivi happy blush “Yes. Forever. Praise Ava.”
# EFFECT: fade to white